What To Expect - Operation White Tiger 2

Operation White Tiger 2 is the next MILSIM event hosted by Mjolnir Gelsim. Read below to see what to expect from arrival to departure for the event. If you are attending, please read the entire post.

Pre Event

Prepare. Make sure you’re fit. Make sure you are able to walk under load for a long duration of time. Expect to carry everything that you need in the field, into the field. Do not expect to be able to go to the safe zone for breaks. Make sure your kit fits, make sure it’s comfortable and most importantly, make sure it’s useful. Don’t have a million different pouches on your belt and rig if you don’t need them. The only things that you should have on your gear is equipment that enables you to shoot, move, communicate, navigate and medicate. Make sure your uniform is in accordance with the SOP and your faction requirments, they are here -

  • BLUFOR: Any NATO or Australian style camouflage pattern is allowed, preferably a multicam style pattern. Must have top and bottom camouflage (including jackets) however the pattern is not required to match. It is recommended that teams wear matching or similar camo however this is not mandatory. Teams will be issued with the same colour tape for uniformity. Plain coloured load bearing equipment, belts, packs, hats etc. are permitted.

  • REDFOR: Any plain colour uniform, civilian clothing (flannel recommended), Russian or Chinese style camouflage patterns, Afghani garb is allowed. It is recommended that teams wear matching or similar colours however this is not mandatory. Teams will be issued with the same colour tape for uniformity. Camouflage load bearing equipment, belts, packs, hats etc. are permitted.

Pack. Pack everything you need. Make sure it fits in the pack that you’re taking into the field. Ensure that you have all essentials and spares that you need. Spare gels, spare blasters, spare batteries, enough food to get you through the day and more plus any other items that you may need to camp at the field over the weekend.

Plan. Attend your orders briefs by your Faction Commanders and Section Commanders. Start planning how you want to tackle objectives in the field and make sure that you are capable of carrying out those plans. Plan your section layout, what your capability is and how you will implement it.

Depart. Buccas Outpost is about three and a half hours from Brisbane. We recommend carpooling with friends to help break up the journey. On the way you can stop in for any final supplies that are needed. The last Anaconda, for camping supplies, is in Toowoomba, the last major network town with fast food restaurants is Dalby and the last town before the field is Kogan.

Arrival and Check-In

Arrival. Gates are open from 1300 on Friday 14 June. There will be a member of Mjolnir Gelsim staff at the gate to greet you and take down your information. Ensure that you bring a paper or downloaded ticket and government issued identification to be verified so you may be let in to the property. If using a downloaded ticket, make sure it is indeed downloaded on your phone. Reception on the property is spotty depending on which mobile network that you are with.


Parking. Parking is at your own discretion. We recommend each section parks together so you can network and plan together. It also makes it easier to find someone if they are needed for something. Once you’ve parked, start setting up camp, gathering your equipment and waiting for the rest of your section to arrive.

Check-In. Check-In opens at 1600 on Friday 14 June. Once your whole section has arrived, head over to the administration area to begin check-in. Ensure that you bring every item that intend to bring into the field with you, this includes your blasters, batteries, gels, load carriage equipment, day bags, field packs, food, water, snacks, clothing etc. If you think you’re going to use it during the game, bring it over.

Kit Check. Once you and your section have been checked in by Mjolnir Gelsim staff and cadre, you’ll immediately conduct a kit check. You will be instructed to empty the contents of all your equipment in a neat manner to be inspected by staff and cadre. This is to ensure that

  1. You have all mandatory items that are required as per the SOP

  2. You are not taking in any equipment that does not meet safety requirements

  3. You have read and understood the SOP

Each item must be individually sighted by the inspecting staff to ensure that all participants are adequately prepared.


Chronograph. Once your kit check is complete, you will then move into Chronographing your blasters. To make this process as smooth as possible, once your kit has been checked, load up a magazine with gels and fit a battery to your blaster before you start packing away your kit. From there you will roll through Chronoing your blasters to make sure they meet the SOP requirements. Once you have completed Chrono and packed away your kit, you are free to head back to your campsite and chill out for the night. Make sure you use this time to prepare for the next day.

If all members of a section cannot arrive on Friday, the Section Commander of that section needs to contact Mjolnir Gelsim beforehand so we can provide an alternate arrangement. Check-In closes at 2200 on Friday 14 June, reopens at 0600 on Saturday 15 June and closes at 0645 in preparation for the safety brief.

Safety Brief and Game Start

Safety Brief. The safety brief will occur at 0700 sharp Saturday 15 June. If you miss the safety brief, you will not take the field until you have been briefed in at the next available opportunity. The safety brief will cover general event safety, medics, hit rules, medical rules etc. It’s important that all participants pay attention during the brief because they may be questioned to ensure understanding. Once the brief is complete, participants are free to conduct any final admin activities before stepping off.

Game Start. The game will start at 0800 on Saturday 15 June. Factions will pack march to their FOBs. There will be no admin carriage of equipment into the field, if you want to use it, you need to carry it. Once at their FOBs, Faction Commanders will conduct final orders and then start sending sections away on tasks. Be prepared to be in the field for the next 12 hours, battling it out with your opponents and slinging gels in the bush.

During the Game

Conduct. During the game, you will given different objectives to complete by your Faction Commander. You may be given these objectives in conjunction with another section, it’s expected that you will work together to achieve these objectives for the good of the faction. Some parts of the day may be full of action, some may be quiet with little to no contact with the enemy. This is the nature of MILSIMs.

Attitude and Behaviour. You are adults. Act like it. You may be given jobs you don’t like or don’t want to do but unfortunately this is a MILSIM, some jobs have to be done and someone has to do it. If your attitude and behaviour is poor, we will not hesitate to remove you from the field and send you home without a refund. Continuing with attitude, if you get hit, call it. If you think you hit someone, don’t yell and scream and carry on telling them to call it. If you think you’re hitting someone and they aren’t calling it, take it up with your Faction Commander. They will then contact staff and monitor the situation.

We want everyone to enjoy their experience at our events, attitude and behaviour goes a long way towards that.


Safe Zone. You are not permitted back into the safe zone unless given permission by staff. This request must go through your faction commander and must be a legitimate reason. If you are going back to collect more gels, your request will be denied. If you are found in the safe zone without permission by staff, you’re access to the field will be revoked and you will not be permitted to participate further in the event.

Game End

Game End. The game will end at 2000 Saturday 15 June. At that time, Faction Commanders will inform Section Commanders that the game is over. All participants are to unload and clear their blasters and head back to the safe zone. The Section Commander is responsible for their sections, they are to ensure that all members are present when returning to the safe zone to be received by staff. If members are missing, ALL PARTICIPANTS will conduct a search for missing participants.

Once everyone is accounted for, there’ll be a final thank you and debrief from staff and then all participants can chill out, exchange war stories and go to sleep comfortable knowing that they fake murdered each other all day.

Training Day

Training. The field will open at 0800 on Sunday 16 June. This training day is designed for sections to further train in an environment that is more permissive to learning and practicing repetitions. Sections can ask for lessons from cadre or staff on whatever they want to learn on. Sections can also battle it out in select portions of the map if they choose to and coordinate it between themselves. Training is what you make of it, and we encourage everyone to get out and do some basic level training whether it be section formations, RATEL, section attacks or any other MILSIM activities. The field will close at 1200 Sunday 16 June and it is expected that all participants have left the property by 1300.

Operation White Tiger 2 will run from the Friday 14 June to Sunday 16 June at Buccas Outpost near Dalby, QLD.

Stay tuned to our Discord and website for more announcements!


The Wash Up - Operation White Tiger 2


The Wash Up - Operation White Tiger